Provides a set of predefined brushes.
The following tables list the members exposed by the Brushes type.
Name | Description | |
A solid brush with the AntiqueWhite color. |
A solid brush with the AntiqueWhite color. |
A solid brush with the Aqua color. |
A solid brush with the Aquamarine color. |
A solid brush with the Azure color. |
A solid brush with the Beige color. |
A solid brush with the Bisque color. |
A solid brush with the Black color. |
A solid brush with the BlanchedAlmond color. |
A solid brush with the Blue color. |
A solid brush with the BlueViolet color. |
A solid brush with the Brown color. |
A solid brush with the BurlyWood color. |
A solid brush with the CadetBlue color. |
A solid brush with the Chartreuse color. |
A solid brush with the Chocolate color. |
A solid brush with the Coral color. |
A solid brush with the CornflowerBlue color. |
A solid brush with the Cornsilk color. |
A solid brush with the Crimson color. |
A solid brush with the Cyan color. |
A solid brush with the DarkBlue color. |
A solid brush with the DarkCyan color. |
A solid brush with the DarkGoldenrod color. |
A solid brush with the DarkGray color. |
A solid brush with the DarkGreen color. |
A solid brush with the DarkKhaki color. |
A solid brush with the DarkMagenta color. |
A solid brush with the DarkOliveGreen color. |
A solid brush with the DarkOrange color. |
A solid brush with the DarkOrchid color. |
A solid brush with the DarkRed color. |
A solid brush with the DarkSalmon color. |
A solid brush with the DarkSeaGreen color. |
A solid brush with the DarkSlateBlue color. |
A solid brush with the DarkSlateGray color. |
A solid brush with the DarkTurquoise color. |
A solid brush with the DarkViolet color. |
A solid brush with the DeepPink color. |
A solid brush with the DeepSkyBlue color. |
A solid brush with the DimGray color. |
A solid brush with the DodgerBlue color. |
A solid brush with the Firebrick color. |
A solid brush with the FloralWhite color. |
A solid brush with the ForestGreen color. |
A solid brush with the Fuchsia color. |
A solid brush with the Gainsboro color. |
A solid brush with the GhostWhite color. |
A solid brush with the Gold color. |
A solid brush with the Goldenrod color. |
A solid brush with the Gray color. |
A solid brush with the Green color. |
A solid brush with the GreenYellow color. |
A solid brush with the Honeydew color. |
A solid brush with the HotPink color. |
A solid brush with the IndianRed color. |
A solid brush with the Indigo color. |
A solid brush with the Ivory color. |
A solid brush with the Khaki color. |
A solid brush with the Lavender color. |
A solid brush with the LavenderBlush color. |
A solid brush with the LawnGreen color. |
A solid brush with the LemonChiffon color. |
A solid brush with the LightBlue color. |
A solid brush with the LightCoral color. |
A solid brush with the LightCyan color. |
A solid brush with the LightGoldenrodYellow color. |
A solid brush with the LightGray color. |
A solid brush with the LightGreen color. |
A solid brush with the LightPink color. |
A solid brush with the LightSalmon color. |
A solid brush with the LightSeaGreen color. |
A solid brush with the LightSkyBlue color. |
A solid brush with the LightSlateGray color. |
A solid brush with the LightSteelBlue color. |
A solid brush with the LightYellow color. |
A solid brush with the Lime color. |
A solid brush with the LimeGreen color. |
A solid brush with the Linen color. |
A solid brush with the Magenta color. |
A solid brush with the Maroon color. |
A solid brush with the MediumAquamarine color. |
A solid brush with the MediumBlue color. |
A solid brush with the MediumOrchid color. |
A solid brush with the MediumPurple color. |
A solid brush with the MediumSeaGreen color. |
A solid brush with the MediumSlateBlue color. |
A solid brush with the MediumSpringGreen color. |
A solid brush with the MediumTurquoise color. |
A solid brush with the MediumVioletRed color. |
A solid brush with the MidnightBlue color. |
A solid brush with the MintCream color. |
A solid brush with the MistyRose color. |
A solid brush with the Moccasin color. |
A solid brush with the NavajoWhite color. |
A solid brush with the Navy color. |
A solid brush with the OldLace color. |
A solid brush with the Olive color. |
A solid brush with the OliveDrab color. |
A solid brush with the Orange color. |
A solid brush with the OrangeRed color. |
A solid brush with the Orchid color. |
A solid brush with the PaleGoldenrod color. |
A solid brush with the PaleGreen color. |
A solid brush with the PaleTurquoise color. |
A solid brush with the PaleVioletRed color. |
A solid brush with the PapayaWhip color. |
A solid brush with the PeachPuff color. |
A solid brush with the Peru color. |
A solid brush with the Pink color. |
A solid brush with the Plum color. |
A solid brush with the PowderBlue color. |
A solid brush with the Purple color. |
A solid brush with the Red color. |
A solid brush with the RosyBrown color. |
A solid brush with the RoyalBlue color. |
A solid brush with the SaddleBrown color. |
A solid brush with the Salmon color. |
A solid brush with the SandyBrown color. |
A solid brush with the SeaGreen color. |
A solid brush with the SeaShell color. |
A solid brush with the Sienna color. |
A solid brush with the Silver color. |
A solid brush with the SkyBlue color. |
A solid brush with the SlateBlue color. |
A solid brush with the SlateGray color. |
A solid brush with the Snow color. |
A solid brush with the SpringGreen color. |
A solid brush with the SteelBlue color. |
A solid brush with the Tan color. |
A solid brush with the Teal color. |
A solid brush with the Thistle color. |
A solid brush with the Tomato color. |
A solid brush with the Transparent color. |
A solid brush with the Turquoise color. |
A solid brush with the Violet color. |
A solid brush with the Wheat color. |
A solid brush with the White color. |
A solid brush with the WhiteSmoke color. |
A solid brush with the Yellow color. |
A solid brush with the YellowGreen color. |