Customizing Appearance

The appearance of a schedule can be customizied on several levels:

ViewSettings Classes

The ViewSettings classes (ListSettings, TimetableSettings, MonthRangeSettings etc.) control specific aspects of the calendar appearance based on the chosen CalendarView. The monthRangeSettings class, for example, exposes properties for the number of monthsPerRow and the number of visible rows. MonthSettings lets you choose the format of the first day of the month (firstDayOfMonthFormat) or the year (firstDayOfYearFormat). Those settings are also available in the ListSettings and WeekRangeSettings classes. Consult the appropriate *ViewSettings class members list for  the full list with the properties supported for your chosen view.

Each *ViewSettings class provides you with properties for customizing the appearance of the calendar header - read more in the "Header Settings" topic.


The appearance of individual items in the calendar is done with the itemSettings property. Read more in the "Item Settings and Tooltips".

CSS Style Sheets

The visual appratance of the calendar in terms of colors is regulated with CSS classes and themes.

Each of the above listed methods controls certain part of the appearance of the calendar, they are not interchangeable.