ListView and ListItem


The ListView control displays a collection of items, which can be arranged vertically or horizontally. The image below shows a vertical list whose items  represent people participating in a chat:

1. Accessing, adding and removing list items

Use view' items property to get a reference to the control's collection of ListItems. Use add and remove methods of the items collection to add and remove list items.

The following code creates a ListView, adds two items and render-s the list:

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var ui = MindFusion.UI;

var listView;
var theme = "business";

listView = new ui.ListView(document.getElementById("listView"));
listView.width = listView.height = ui.Unit.percentage(100);
listView.theme = theme;
listView.itemSize = ui.Unit.pixel(100);

var item = new ui.ListItem();
item.title = "Tuber Magnatum"; = 1;
item.template = generateTemplate("h4.png", item.title, false);

item = new ui.ListItem();
item.title = "Morchella Esculenta";
item.template = generateTemplate("h3.png", item.title, true);


Like other Control classes from MindFusion.Common.UI, a ListView need to be associated with an HTMLElement. In most cases this is a div:

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<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; width:300px;">
   <div id="listView">
<script src="Scripts/MindFusion.UI.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Items can also be created by loading a data object or a JSON string, containing the items data, by using the fromObject and fromJson methods respectively.

2. Selecting items

Items can be selected and deselected programmatically by using the selectItem and deselectItem methods.

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//select the second item in the list
if(listView.items.count() > 2)

3. Customization

The orientation property specifies how list items are arranged - vertically (the default), or horizontally.

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listView.orientation = MindFusion.UI.Orientation.Horizontal;

Depending on the orientation the itemSize property can be used to control either the height (for vertical orientation), or the width of the list items. By default, the control allows selection of multiple items when the Ctrl key is pressed, and this behavior can be turned off through the allowMultipleSelection property.

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listView.allowMultipleSelection = false;

The appearance of the control can be modified by setting its theme and cssClass properties.

4. Drag and drop

Drag and drop capabilities are enabled by default, and can be disabled on a control level by setting the allowDrag property to false.

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//disables drag and drop for the whole list
listView.allowDrag = false;

To disable drag operations only for a specific ListItem, set its interactive property to false.

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//disable drag for this list item only
listItem.interactive = false;

5. Events

Important events for the ListView include:
  • selectionChanging - a validation event, raised when the selection collection is changing.
  • selectionChanged - a notification event, raised when the selected collection is changed.
  • itemClick - a notification event, raised when a list item is clicked.

The following code attaches an event handler for the itemDoubleClick event:

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function handleItemDoubleClick(sender, args)
 if (
  var tip = new ui.Tooltip(args.item.element);

  var t = document.createElement("div");
  var img = document.createElement("img");
  img.width = img.height = "40";
  img.src = "icon_fish.png"; = "middle";
  var span = document.createElement("span");
  span.innerText = "This user is not currently online";
  tip.template = t.outerHTML;

  tip.theme = "peach";
  tip.position= ui.TooltipPosition.Center;
  tip.trigger = ui.TooltipTrigger.None;


6. Serialization

The items data can be serialized to a JSON string via the toJson method and deserialized from a JSON string via the fromJson method.


The ListItem class represents an item in a list control. A list item displays the text, specified by its title property, and, optionally, an icon, specified by its imageSrc property, or its content can be set to a custom HTML string via its template property.

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var item = new ui.ListItem();
item.title = "Armillaria Ponderosa";
item.visible = false;
