DiagramItem.DrawManipulators Method (IGraphics, Boolean, Boolean)
See Also

Draws the associated manipulators in the specified graphics.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

protected void DrawManipulators (
    IGraphics graphics,
    bool clip,
    bool inLocal

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Protected Sub DrawManipulators( _
    graphics As IGraphics, _
    clip As Boolean, _
    inLocal As Boolean _



The IGraphics surface to draw the manipulators on.


true to render only inside the item's bounds; otherwise, false.


true if current graphics are in local coordinates; otherwise, false.


This method is invoked to render the item's manipulators, for example, collapse/expand buttons, scrollbars, and so on.

 See Also