DiagramBase.CopyHostedControl Event
See Also

Raised when a ControlNode is cloned. Use this event to copy the hosted control's properties.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public event EventHandler<CopyHostedControlEventArgs> CopyHostedControl

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Event CopyHostedControl As EventHandler(Of CopyHostedControlEventArgs)

 Event Data

CopyHostedControl event handlers receive an argument of type CopyHostedControlEventArgs.


When copying a ControlNode to the clipboard, WpfDiagram copies automatically all properties that can be processed by the WPF XamlWriter and XamlReader classes. CopyHostedControl lets you copy attributes that do not fall into that category, such as event handlers and style assignments.

 See Also