DiagramBase.DeserializeTag Event
See Also

Raised when the Tag or Id of a diagram item must be deserialized from XML format.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public event EventHandler<SerializeTagEventArgs> DeserializeTag

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Event DeserializeTag As EventHandler(Of SerializeTagEventArgs)

 Event Data

DeserializeTag event handlers receive an argument of type SerializeTagEventArgs. The following SerializeTagEventArgs members provide information relevant to the event:

Member name



The object whose Tag is being deserialized. This object can be either a diagram item, group, cell or anchor point.


Set this property to the object that has been deserialized.


An XmlElement instance that contains the XML representation of a Tag value.


An XmlPersistContext object providing information about the document being deserialized, along with methods that help you deserialize data from XML.


Set this flag to true if you perform custom tag deserialization.


Only tags of simple value types can be saved and loaded automatically to/from the XML document. You must provide your own serialization for complex types by implementing this event and SerializeTag.

 See Also