VisioExporter.TemplatePath Property
See Also

Gets or sets the full path to the 'VisioExport.vxt' template file.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.Export
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.VisioExport


C#  Copy Code

public string TemplatePath { get; set; }

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Property TemplatePath As String

 Property Value

A string specifying the location of the template file. The default is an empty string.


If you do not specify the path to the template file, VisioExporter looks for the file in the same folder where the MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.VisioExport.dll assembly is located, in the folder of the application executable file, and in the current folder. However that might not work under restricted security permissions, for example when running inside a browser or under the IIS process.

 See Also