Cell Presenters

The cell presenters are objects of the CellPresenter class (or a class derived from CellPresenter) which are used to define the visual presentation of view cells in the Calendar control. Using a separate object for presentation provides abstraction between the logical views and the displaying control (Calendar). The same presentation pattern is used for the items as described in Customizing the Item Template.

The CellPresenter objects are instantiated by the Calendar control when a view is being constructed or rebuilt. A special pair of events is raised every time a presenter is being created - CellPresenterCreating and CellPresenterCreated. The first event is raised before the presenter is created. It allows the client to create presenters of a custom CellPresenter-derived class. The second event is raised after the presenter is created and initialized. It can be used to supply custom style to the presenter.

The CellPresenter class provides several properties, which can be bound to from within the control template. StyleKeyStyleKeyComplex, StyleKeyWithHeader and StyleKeyToday are probably the most important properties as they define the control template that should be used for the presenter.

The complete XAML code of the default cell template can be found herehereCreating New Cell TemplateCreating New Cell TemplateCreating New Cell Presenter.