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Normal Topic Fit to Doc, tring to position label in top left of (Read 1013 times)
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Fit to Doc, tring to position label in top left of
Mar 17th, 2008 at 11:13pm
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Hi Stoyo,

I am trying to (as the subject says), have a label (or text of some sort) in the top left of the chart, displaying what context the chart is in.

I am adding a box with text in it to the position pointf(0f, 0f), then doing a FitDocToObjects(0f, true) on the chart, and the label is positioned about a cm from the top of the chart and 1/2 a cm from the left.

If I set the FitDocToObjects margin as -2f, then the box is flush with the left of the chart, but it is still showing a gap above it.

I will be applying a slight margin, so that the label isn't butting completely up against the top left but would like to specify what that is myself.

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Re: Fit to Doc, tring to position label in top lef
Reply #1 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 11:36pm
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Perhaps there is a gap because the text is centered in the box? If you are using a Transparent box, disable Transparent for awhile to see if that's the reason. In such case, try to set the box.TextFormat's Alignment and LineAlignment properties to Near. Otherwise, check if there aren't some other boxes placed slightly to the left or above the label box.

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