WpfChart 1.4 Released

Monday May 14, 2012

MindFusion.Charting for Wpf provides developers with an easy way to add line, bar and pie charts to their Wpf applications. The control supports data binding, unlimited number of series and legends, fully customizable appearance. The new version adds the following features to the component:

Dragging with the Mouse

You can drag the top of a bar or a data point in a line chart to change its value. You can enable drag along the X-axis, the Y-axis or both. Use the Behavior property and set it to the desired behavior with the members of the Behavior enumeration.

  Dragging of a bar

  Chart with X2-axis
Second X-axis

Charts with axes can show second X-axis and customize it with the X2AxisSettings property. Bar and line charts can have series that are bound to X2 - use the X2Data and X2DataPath properties to set the data for them. AxesSeries.X2Labels and AxesSeries.X2LabelPath lets you set custom labels for series that use the X2-axis.

Dashed Lines

Charts can now draw dashed lines - use the newStrokeDashArray, StrokeDashCap, StrokeDashOffset, StrokeEndLineCap, StrokeLineJoin, StrokeMiterLimit and StrokeStartLineCap properties to adjust the properties of the lines.

  Chart with dashed lines


Data binding is available for series that use the second Y-axis. Use Y2DataPath and Y2LabelPath to specify the name of the data files that provides data and labels for the series.

Labels at the axes are drawn with a brush that you set with the LabelStroke and TitleStroke properties. You can rotate the title labels of an axis with the TitleRotationAngle property.

The trial version is available for direct download from this link:

Download MindFusion.Charting for Wpf 1.4

You are welcome to contact us with any questions, problems or inquiries about the Charting for Wpf control or any other of our products. MindFusion has always put special emphasis on providing the top most customer support and we have been genuinely rewarded for that when our customers say how much they appreciate it - read some of the stories here.

About MindFusion.Charting for Wpf: A programming component that combines powerful charting capabilities with a simple API and easy use. Among the features of the control are fully customizable grid, positive and negative values on all chart axes, gauges and many more - read them here.

The control provides detailed documentation and many different samples that show how to customize it. It supports all major chart types - bar, line and pie, as well different modifications of them - column, doughnut, area charts etc. Licenses are counted per user, distribution is royalty free. Each license guarantees full technical support. The source code is also available.

Forums: FlowChart.NET, WpfDiagram, DiagramLite, JsDiagram, MasterChart, WebChart, Planner.NET, WpfPlanner, Reporting, ReportingLite
© MindFusion Ltd. 2012