Unicode Support

FlowChartX uses Unicode Windows APIs for all of its text output operations. These APIs enable the ActiveX control (respectively your application) to display languages used in more than 100 international locales. Thus it is easier to create globalized applications that support multilingual data and a multilingual UI.

Windows 95/98/ME don't provide their own support for Unicode. When running on system without native support for Unicode, FlowChartX relies on the Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU). MSLU is a translation layer between Unicode APIs and the ANSI APIs available on 95/98/ME. So, if you want your application to run on all Windows versions you'll have to install the MSLU. The package is available for free download and redistribution from Including MSLU in your setup software shall increase its total size with no more than 200K. The layer is implemented in the unicows.dll file, which your setup program should copy before the flowchart.dll is registered. The registration will fail if your setup tries to register the control and the unicows.dll is not present on the target system.

If you have any problems regarding FlowChartX installation from your setup and the installation of MSLU, you can send us e-mail on We'll be happy to assist you and answer all your questions and we can send you sample InstallShield sources showing how to register FlowChartX on Win95/98/ME.