Using the Source Code and Building Custom Versions

As a professional software engineer you have surely found out the huge benefits of having a component source code with you. Tracking problems, customization and adding new features are just some of the things you can use it for. Being aware of that fact, we provide you with the full FlowChartX source code. You can rely on our technical support for any questions or problems related with it. FlowChartX is entirely C++ based. It uses ATL library to implement the necessary ActiveX interfaces. In order to build the control, you must also have WTL installed. WTL is available for download from; the current FlowChartX version was built with WTL 7.1.

To be able to trace FlowChartX programming code you should build it in DEBUG configuration. Following steps describe how to do that: Choose "File -> Open -> Project" menu. From the dialog that appears open flowchart.sln, which should be located in source subdirectory of your installation folder. Next open "Build->Configuration Manager" and choose "Unicode Debug" from "Active Solution Configuration" combo box. Finish by choosing "Build->Build Solution" which creates FlowChartX executable file and registers the control as an ActiveX component. Open "Project Properties->Debugging" and in "Action->Command" specify the path to your application executable file (the "Browse" command from the combo box menu can help you locate it. Now you are able to trace, place breakpoints and execute all debugging operations you need.


Any ActiveX control built with Visual Studio.NET version of ActiveX Template Library (ATL) causes 'Stack Overflow'-crash in Visual Basic for Applications when the control is moved or resized inside a form.

Workaround: In order to use your custom version of FlowChartX with VBA make sure you compile the control with VisualC++ 6.0 version of ATL.


Due to FlowChartX permanent development and new versions releasing, we recommend that you first contact us before adding any custom features to the component. Since we always try to fulfill our clients' needs it is greatly possible that you will overwrite some features that future FlowChartX versions might include. Writing us might also save you re-writing of your custom features to adjust future FlowChartX releases you would like to get. Apart of that, our development team would also be happy to develop personally any new features our highly praised clients might need.

If you still insist on developing custom features of FlowChartX remember to change both CLSID and program ID in your version. We also strongly advise you to rename your custom version executable file (e.g. the .dll file). This is meant to prevent custom and standard FlowChartX versions mix their .dll files, which makes programs using these files work improperly.

For recommendations, advice or ideas regarding what you would like to see in future versions of FlowChartX, please write us at: