DiagramView.CreateEditControl Event
See Also

Raised to let you create a custom in-place editor control.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public event EventHandler<InPlaceEditEventArgs> CreateEditControl

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Event CreateEditControl As EventHandler(Of InPlaceEditEventArgs)

 Event Data

CreateEditControl event handlers receive an argument of type InPlaceEditEventArgs. The following InPlaceEditEventArgs members provide information relevant to the event.

Member name



Gets a reference to the item being edited.


Gets or sets the bounding rectangle where custom editor should be placed, expressed in diagram coordinates.


Gets or sets the control used to edit the item's text.


This event is raised if AllowInplaceEdit is enabled and the user selects Edit icon from item's context menu, or when the application invokes the BeginEdit method of DiagramView. If the event is not handled, or if EditControl is set to null, MindFusion.Diagramming uses an Editor control to allow editing the item's text. If you prefer to use the built-in Editor, you can still customize it by handling the EnterInplaceEditMode event.

Note that if you create a custom editor control, you must transfer the values entered into it to the respective properties of the edited diagram item. You could do that in response to the DestroyEditControl event.

 See Also