DiagramView.LeaveInplaceEditMode Event
See Also

Raised when leaving in-place edit mode.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public event EventHandler<InPlaceEditEventArgs> LeaveInplaceEditMode

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Event LeaveInplaceEditMode As EventHandler(Of InPlaceEditEventArgs)

 Event Data

LeaveInplaceEditMode event handlers receive an argument of type InPlaceEditEventArgs. The following InPlaceEditEventArgs members provide information relevant to the event:

Member name



Gets a reference to the item being edited.


Gets or sets the control used to edit the item's text.


This event is raised in all situations that lead to closing the inplace-edit control, for example, when the user accepts or cancels the changes made to an item's text, or when the EndEdit method is called.

If you have created a custom edit control by handling the CreateEditControl event, EditControl refers to the custom editor. Otherwise, it is a MAUI Editor instance.

 See Also