DiagramView.DestroyEditControl Event
See Also

Raised to let you destroy a custom in-place editor control.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public event EventHandler<InPlaceEditEventArgs> DestroyEditControl

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Event DestroyEditControl As EventHandler(Of InPlaceEditEventArgs)

 Event Data

DestroyEditControl event handlers receive an argument of type InPlaceEditEventArgs. The following InPlaceEditEventArgs members provide information relevant to the event.

Member name



Gets a reference to the item being edited.


Gets or sets the control used to edit the item's text.


This event is raised when the user clicks outside the editor, or when the EndEdit method is invoked. Handle it to hide or destroy the edit control. You can also implement the copying of values from the editor to the diagram item's properties in this event handler.

 See Also