- Create a new BarChart by dragging the BarChart control at the top.
- Set the BarType to Clustered3D and BarSeriesLayout to BarSeriesLayout.InColumn. That will draw cluster bars in columns.
Adding Data
Setting labels
- Set the TopLabelType to LabelType.Data to show the number of each bar as top label.
- Set the LabelType property of the XAxisSettings object to AxisLabelType.Cu
stomText to show custom labels at the X-axis. - Add the X-labels as values for the ClusterLabels property. Write them separated by comma: "1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter".
- Set the LabelType property of the YAxisSettings object to AxisLabelType.AutoScale.
- Set the format of the scale divisions for the Y-axis to Fixed_point_0Digits using the NumberFormat property of the YAxisSettings object.
- Set YAxisSettings.DrawZero to true to show the zero label.
- Set the font for the labels on both axes with LabelFont. The zero label uses the same format as the labels Fixed_point_0Digits.
- Add the title for the Y-axis: Write "in thousands" as TitleLabel in the YAxisSettings object.
- Set the orientation of the axis label for the Y-axis with YAxisSettings.TitleLabelOrientation. The sample uses TopToBottom.
- Set the font for the axis label at the Y-axis to Verdana, 12pt.
- Add labels for the legend - write "avg. 28.33,avg. 15.66,avg. 9.66,avg. 5.66 " in the LegendLabels field in the property browser.
- Set the LegendWidth to 500 so that all labels could fit in.
- Place the legend at the "Top" with LegendPosition. Align it with LegendAlignment to Center.
- Choose the font for the legend labels - "Verdana, 9pt."
Adding title
- Add the title of the chart with TitleText. Write in the property field "Sales for Year 2006".
- Choose font for the title with TitleFont - "Verdana, 14pt."
Setting brushes
See Also
Creating Line Charts
Creating Radar Charts
Creating Scatter Charts