Get a pack of MindFusion controls with 30% discount in July, 2016.
MindFusion has completed integrating FreezePro Virtual Keyboard components in its WinForms and WPF component suites. On this occasion we offer all MindFusion
prospective buyers a special 30% discount on any license for any pack they buy throughout July, 2016.
The discount is applied when you enter coupon code KPP-45K2D47GKJ at the purchase page. The number of times you can apply the discount is unlimited.
Clients who already own a license for a MindFusion Pack can get an upgrade
subscription with the same discount during the same time period.
If you are interested in purchasing just a Virtual Keyboard license then you use
a 20% discount from the retail price if you buy till July 31st, 2016. The coupon
code is VKP-45K2D47GKW.
The following “Buy” pages provide detailed information about the licensing scheme
and prices.
Buy MindFusion WinForms Pack License
Buy MindFusion WPF Pack License
Buy MindFusion WinForms Virtual Keyboard License
Buy MindFusion WPF Virtual Keyboard License
MindFusion reminds you that certain types of people and organizations are always
eligible for a discount – check here the list.
For additional questions, please write at support@mindfusion.eu.
Thank you for considering MindFusion as your partner in software development.