How to Show FlowChartX Property Pages

The Windows API function, which shows a property sheet dialog box, is OleCreatePropertyFrame. It gets as an argument an array of CLSIDs of the property pages to be displayed. The function creates a modal dialog box and does not return until the dialog box is closed.

The following C++ code shows the property page for the 'active' selected item.

C++  Copy Code

LPDISPATCH pDisp = (LPDISPATCH)m_FlowChart.GetControlUnknown();
CLSID clsid = CLSID_PropPageSelected;

OleCreatePropertyFrame(m_hWnd, 0, 0, L"Properties",
    1, (LPUNKNOWN*)&pDisp, 1, &clsid, GetSystemDefaultLCID(), 0, NULL);

When imported in .NET project, FlowChartX control is represented by an AxHost derived class. AxHost.ShowPropertyPages method displays all property pages associated with the control.