
Associating data with diagram elements

The following properties allow attaching custom data to diagram items. They could contain integer or string values that identify larger structures in your application: Tag, UserData, UserString. It is possible to assign any OLE VARIANT value to the VariantTag property of item classes. VariantTag allows associating an array or a COM object with a diagram item. The FlowChart class exposes a VariantTag property too. At this time, the Group class provides only an integer Tag property.

Coordinate transformations

ClientPtToDocPt and ScreenPtToDocPt perform conversion of point coordinates from device to document coordinate system. The device coordinates represent 'physical' points in window client area or the screen, and the document coordinates represent location in the flowchart document. The mapping between the two coordinate systems depends on current scroll offset and zoom factor. These two methods together with ObjectFromPoint can be used to find out which flowchart object contains certain point of the screen or the container window (the mouse pointer location for example). The opposite transformation from document to device coordinates can be done using the DocPtToClientPt method.

Keyboard settings

Some ActiveX containers filter various keys to perform form navigation and the WM_KEYDOWN Windows message generated for them doesn't reach FlowChartX. The KeyboardFlags indexed property allows specifying to FlowChartX that it shouldn't wait WM_KEYDOWN messages for the filtered keystrokes, but use an implementation of the IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::TranslateAccelerator method to handle keyboard notifications.

The KbdActive property indicates whether FlowChartX should automatically handle some keystrokes to let users modify the diagram via the keyboard. Disable it if you need to have full control over the users' actions. How FlowChartX responds to some keys can be set via the KbdBehavior property.

Trial or retail version

The DemoVersion property equals to true in trial versions of FlowChartX and to false in retail versions.