FlowChart.KbdBehavior Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating how the arrow keys are handled by FlowChartX.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get KbdBehavior() As EKbdBehavior
Public Property Let KbdBehavior( _
    ByVal Value As EKbdBehavior _

C++  Copy Code

EKbdBehavior get_KbdBehavior ()
void put_KbdBehavior (
    EKbdBehavior value

 Property Value

A member of the EKbdBehavior enumeration. The default is kbScrollView.


Defines the function of the arrow keys on the keyboard. Pressing those keys scrolls the document, if the default mode kbScrollView is used. In the other mode (kbMoveObjects) the arrow keys move the selected diagram object in the respective directions.

 See Also