ArrowLabel Class
Remarks See Also

Represents a label displayed by an Arrow. New labels can be added to the arrow by calling its AddLabel method.


C#  Copy Code

public class ArrowLabel : __ComObject, IArrowLabel, ArrowLabel

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Class ArrowLabel
    Inherits __ComObject
    Implements IArrowLabel, ArrowLabel

VB6  Copy Code

Public Class ArrowLabel

C++  Copy Code

class ArrowLabel


The text displayed by an ArrowLabel is set via the Text property, and its attributes are specified via Font. The label's foreground and background can be set via TextColor and BackColor properties.

The target position of a label along link segments is specified through RelativeTo and Index, and offset from that position via HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset properties. Instead of using fixed offsets, enable the AutoArrange property to let links automatically choose positions of their labels that won't intersect nodes or other labels.

 See Also