Group Class
Remarks See Also

This class represents an hierarchical group of items in the flowchart document.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Class Group

C++  Copy Code

class Group


An hierarchy of objects can be built, so that moving an object that is higher in the hierarchy makes all subordinated objects move too. The immediate subordinates of an object are represented by a Group instance. Every group should have a single master object, to which all group members are attached. The master object can be accessed via the MainObject property. The group of objects attached to another object is accessed via the SubordinateGroup property of the latter. MasterGroup gets the group in which an object is a subordinate.

To create a group, call the CreateGroup method of the FlowChart class. A group is automatically destroyed when its master item is deleted. To destroy a group programmatically, call DestroyGroup. Destroying a group does not delete its subordinated items automatically, they are just detached from their master object and remain intact.

Items can be attached to a group in several ways, depending on the type of the master item. If the master is a node, other nodes can be attached via the AttachProportional or AttachToCorner methods. If the master is an arrow, nodes can be attached to it using the AttachToArrowSegment or AttachToArrowPoint methods. Items can be detached from a group via the Detach method.

FollowMasterRotation can be used when the master node is a box. If it is enabled, the positions of the subordinated nodes are updated to reflect the RotationAngle of the box while it is rotated.

The Tag property allows attaching custom data to any group. The FindGroup methods looks for a groups having a specific tag.

 See Also