PrintOptions Class
Remarks See Also

Provides properties to customize various aspects of printing and print-preview.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Class PrintOptions

C++  Copy Code

class PrintOptions


Use the PrintOptions member of the FlowChart class to access the sole instance of this structure.

Use the PreferredDevice property to set which printer to use, and the PageOrientation and PaperSize properties to define the page size and orientation. Custom paper size can be defined using the PaperWidth and PaperLength properties.

If the Header property is enabled, there is a header displayed at the top of each page. The header can include custom text and automatically generated page numbers, as set through the HeaderFormat property. The alignment of the header text can be changed using HeaderTextStyle.

The following properties specify whether to print the various elements of a diagram and the diagram items: Background, BkgrImage, Images, Interior, SelHandles and Shadows. They also specify whether the respective elements appear in the print preview window.

The text and images used in the print preview window can be customized via the PreviewStr* properties, PreviewWndTitle and PreviewTbarPicture.

 See Also