PrintOptions.PaperSize Property
See Also

Gets or sets the current printer paper size.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get PaperSize() As EPaperSize
Public Property Let PaperSize( _
    ByVal Value As EPaperSize _

C++  Copy Code

EPaperSize get_PaperSize ()
void put_PaperSize (
    EPaperSize value

 Property Value

A member of the EPaperSize enumeration. The default is pszUseDefault.


This property allows overriding the default paper size set for a printer in the Control Panel applet for that printer. The default value pszUseDefault makes FlowChartX use the size selected in the printer settings. The pszCustom value allows setting custom paper size using the PaperWidth and PaperLength properties. Any other value makes FlowChartX print the diagram using the specified predefined paper size.

 See Also