PrintOptions.ShowPageMarkers Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to draw page boundary markers on screen.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get ShowPageMarkers() As Boolean
Public Property Let ShowPageMarkers( _
    ByVal value As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

bool get_ShowPageMarkers ()
void put_ShowPageMarkers (
    bool value

 Property Value

A boolean value. The default is false.


Page markers do not affect print output in any way. They indicate on the screen where page boundaries will be if the diagram is printed on the default printer or on the PreferredDevice. The marker lines are drawn using a pen whose properties are set in PageMarkersColor and PageMarkersStyle. Warning: when page markers are enabled, FlowChartX will try to query the default printer for current page extents; a 1-2 second delay might occur if the printer is offline or if it is a network printer.

 See Also