PrintOptions.PreferredDevice Property
See Also

Gets or sets the name of a printer on which to print the diagram.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get PreferredDevice() As String
Public Property Let PreferredDevice( _
    ByVal value As String _

C++  Copy Code

BSTR get_PreferredDevice ()
void put_PreferredDevice (
    BSTR value

 Property Value

A string value. The default is "".


Specifies the name of the printer to which to send the print job. If the value of this property is the default empty string, the user is presented with printer selection dialog each time the PrintDiagram method is invoked. If a printer name is specified here, the printer selection dialog is not shown. Each time a different printer is set, the page size and orientation are read from that printer settings in order to update the print preview window and the page markers displayed in the FlowChartX drawing canvas.

 See Also