PrintOptions.HeaderFormat Property
See Also

Gets or sets the format of page headers.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get HeaderFormat() As String
Public Property Let HeaderFormat( _
    ByVal value As String _

C++  Copy Code

BSTR get_HeaderFormat ()
void put_HeaderFormat (
    BSTR value

 Property Value

A string value. The default is "%D   %P %C / %N [%X : %Y]".


The header format string can contain fixed text and format specifiers. The following specifiers are supported currently:


A placeholder for the document's Title.


A placeholder for the HeaderStrPage string.


The current page number.


The total number of pages.


The column index of a page.


The row index of a page.

Each format specifier must be used at most once and specifiers should not be used in the document Title and the HeaderStrPage string.

 See Also