Box.RotationAngle Property
See Also

Gets or sets the angle at which this box is rotated.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get RotationAngle() As Single
Public Property Let RotationAngle( _
    ByVal value As Single _

C++  Copy Code

float get_RotationAngle ()
void put_RotationAngle (
    float value

 Property Value

A float value. The default is 0.


Only boxes whose Style is set to bsShape can be rotated. Rotation is done around the center of a box, and it affects the box outline, decoration lines and text position. The Text and Picture of a box follow its rotation if the RotateText and RotateContents properties are enabled. Even if your application does not need rotation of geometric shapes, it can still use rotated Transparent boxes to implement rotated text labels and images attached to composite objects.

The rotation angle grows in clockwise direction. Any value can be assigned programmatically to the property - FlowChartX will use its modulo 360 as a rotation angle. If a user rotates a box with the rotation handle, the values of this property range from -180 to +180 degrees. By default users are allowed to rotate bsShape boxes; to disable interactive rotation, clear the 9th bit in MnpHandlesMask.

Rotation is not supported by the classic GDI graphics engine when running on Win9X operating systems. GDI+ supports rotation on Windows 98 and ME, but cannot be used on Windows 95.

 See Also