Box.Expandable Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to expand or collapse the tree branch that starts from the box.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Expandable() As Boolean
Public Property Let Expandable( _
    ByVal value As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

bool get_Expandable ()
void put_Expandable (
    bool value

 Property Value

A boolean value. Initialized with FlowChart.BoxesExpandable.


Displays a +/- button beside a box to allow users Expand or Collapse the tree that has this box as a root. Clicking the button when it displays a "-" sign collapses the tree and raises a BoxCollapsed event. Clicking the button when it displays a "+" sign expands the tree and raises a BoxExpanded event.

This behavior can be overridden by setting the fOverrideTreeExpanding event flag. That makes the respective events still raised when a user clicks on the +/- buttons, without actually hiding or showing child nodes in the tree.

 See Also