Box.PicturePos Property
See Also

Gets or sets the alignment and stretch mode of the box Picture.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get PicturePos() As EPicturePos
Public Property Let PicturePos( _
    ByVal Value As EPicturePos _

C++  Copy Code

EPicturePos get_PicturePos ()
void put_PicturePos (
    EPicturePos value

 Property Value

A member of the EPicturePos enumeration. The default is picStretch.


Specifies how the Picture is aligned to the bounding rectangle of this box. picStretch and picFit make the picture stretched to cover the box area, respectively non-proportionally or proportionally. picTile tiles several copies of the picture over the box. The picCenter value centers the picture inside the box. Other EPicturePos values align the picture to the corresponding box corner or side.

If the box Style is set to bsShape, the image is aligned to the rectangular area specified via the SetPictureRect method of the ShapeTemplate class.

 See Also