Box.DecorationColor Property
See Also

Gets or sets the color of the decoration lines that are defined for the Shape of this box.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get DecorationColor() As Long
Public Property Let DecorationColor( _
    ByVal value As Long _

C++  Copy Code

unsigned int get_DecorationColor ()
void put_DecorationColor (
    unsigned int value

 Property Value

A color value. The default is -1.


A value of -1 specifies that the decorations should be drawn with the color set in FrameColor. Decorations are lines or curves in the shape definition that are not part of the shape outline, they do not partake in hit testing and do not affect how the shape is filled. Decorations can be added to the shape definition via the AddDecoration* methods of the ShapeTemplate class.

 See Also