Box.AxControlId Property
See Also

Gets or sets the type of the ActiveX control hosted in this box.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get AxControlId() As String
Public Property Let AxControlId( _
    ByVal value As String _

C++  Copy Code

BSTR get_AxControlId ()
void put_AxControlId (
    BSTR value

 Property Value

A string value. Initialized with FlowChart.AxControlId.


Box objects can host ActiveX controls inside them. To instantiate a control you must assign its class identifier (CLSID) or program identifier (ProgID) to this property, and set the box' Style to bsAxControl. If the value of the property is not a valid control identifier, it is interpreted as an URL and a browser control is created and navigated to the specified link. You can access the hosted control via the AxRawPtr and AxControl properties.

 See Also