Box.IncmAnchor Property
See Also

Gets or sets at which anchor points incoming arrows are allowed to connect.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get IncmAnchor() As EArrowAnchor
Public Property Let IncmAnchor( _
    ByVal Value As EArrowAnchor _

C++  Copy Code

EArrowAnchor get_IncmAnchor ()
void put_IncmAnchor (
    EArrowAnchor value

 Property Value

A member of the EArrowAnchor enumeration. Initialized with FlowChart.BoxIncmAnchor.


Sets an anchor point to which incoming arrows will be connected. The possible values of this property are aaNoAnchor, aaHorzCenter, aaVertCenter, aaLeftCenter, aaRightCenter, aaTopCenter, aaBottomCenter. When arrows are created they are fastened to box anchor points but later the user can move them to different position inside the box, unless the ArrowEndsMovable property is set to false. You can also control if arrow ends position can be changed through the RequestAttachArrow event.

 See Also