FlowChart.ArrowEndsMovable Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether arrow ends can be moved by users after the arrow is created.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get ArrowEndsMovable() As Boolean
Public Property Let ArrowEndsMovable( _
    ByVal value As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

bool get_ArrowEndsMovable ()
void put_ArrowEndsMovable (
    bool value

 Property Value

A boolean value. The default is true.


Specifies whether arrows end points positions can be changed. If set to false, the intermediate control points still can be moved, but not the first and the last. The important effect of this is that users cannot change arrows origin and destination objects once they are set. You can also dynamically validate the moving of arrow ends through the RequestAttachArrow event.

 See Also