FlowChart.ShadowColorAlpha Property
See Also

Gets or sets the alpha channel value of the default shadow color.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get ShadowColorAlpha() As Integer
Public Property Let ShadowColorAlpha( _
    ByVal value As Integer _

C++  Copy Code

short get_ShadowColorAlpha ()
void put_ShadowColorAlpha (
    short value

 Property Value

A byte value. The default is 150.


Specifies the alpha component of ShadowColor. Alpha values, ranging from 0 to 255, represent transparency to graphics already rendered behind a shadow. 255 means no transparency at all; 0 means full transparency; all other values specify that alpha-blending should be used to mix ShadowColor with background pixels colors. Alpha-blending can be used only if the GDI+ graphics engine is enabled.

 See Also