FlowChart.Behavior Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating how the control responds to user actions.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Behavior() As EBehavior
Public Property Let Behavior( _
    ByVal Value As EBehavior _

C++  Copy Code

EBehavior get_Behavior ()
void put_Behavior (
    EBehavior value

 Property Value

A member of the EBehavior enumeration. The default is bhFlowChart.


Specifies how FlowChartX responds to mouse actions. The following values are currently supported:

  • bhModify - users can only select existing shapes and arrows, move and modify them. Clicking on empty document area and dragging selects multiple diagram items. The value of the constant is 0.
  • bhPanAndModify - users can only select existing shapes and arrows, move and modify them. Clicking on empty document area and dragging scrolls the document. The value of the constant is 6.
  • bhCreateBox - users can create only boxes (no arrows or tables). Clicking a diagram element selects it and it can be modified. CTRL + dragging selects multiple objects. The value of the constant is 1.
  • bhCreateArrow - dragging the mouse when a box is pointed creates an arrow object. If the mouse does not point to a box, selection is created. Clicking on any object selects it. The value of the constant is 2.
  • bhFlowChart - default mode for work with flowcharts. Dragging the mouse over empty document area creates a box, and over a box creates an arrow. Clicking on any object selects it. CTRL + dragging selects multiple objects. The value of the constant is 3.
  • bhTableRelations - suitable for creating database schemes and entity-relationship diagrams. Dragging the mouse over empty document area creates a table, and over table's row creates an arrow (represents relationship between table fields). Clicking on any object selects it. CTRL + dragging selects multiple objects. The value of the constant is 4.
  • bhCreateTable - users can create only tables (no arrows or boxes). Clicking a diagram item selects it and it can be modified. CTRL + dragging selects multiple objects. The value of the constant is 5.
  • bhDoNothing - the control ignores users actions with the mouse, but raises the appropriate mouse events. This mode allows applications to implement their own mouse-drawing behavior, disabling the FlowChartX default response to users actions.
  • bhDrawLines - the control creates DecorationLine objects when the user draws with the mouse.
  • bhSelectOnly - allow only selection of existing items. Modifying them or drawing new ones is disabled.

 See Also