FlowChart.ExtrnDragDrop Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating whether initiating drag-and-drop operations from the current FlowChartX instance is enabled.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get ExtrnDragDrop() As Boolean
Public Property Let ExtrnDragDrop( _
    ByVal value As Boolean _

C++  Copy Code

bool get_ExtrnDragDrop ()
void put_ExtrnDragDrop (
    bool value

 Property Value

A boolean value. The default is false.


Specifies whether an OLE drag-and-drop operation is initiated when a user drags diagram elements outside of the control boundaries. Drag-and-drop operations between two FlowChartX instances are enabled if this property is set to true. The instance, which is target of the drag-and-drop operation, identifies the dragged data type as dtChartData.

What happens when the user drops the diagram items depends on the drag-and-drop mode, as set by the DragDropMode property:

  • In automatic mode the drop operation can be only completed when the user points empty document area. As result of dropping the diagram elements that are selected in the source FlowChartX instance will be copied into the target instance.
  • The request mode behaves as the automatic one, but also fires validation events through which the operation can be cancelled.
  • In programmatic mode, when the dragged data is reported to be of type dtChartData, the CreateObjsFromDragData method can be called to copy the selected items from the source FlowChartX instance. The 'drop effect' argument of programmatic-mode events allows specifying whether the items are moved or copied.

If undo/redo is enabled, the operation outcome is automatically recorded in the command history for later undo or redo.

 See Also