FlowChart.HostedAxActivation Property
See Also

( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

Gets or sets a value indicating how hosted ActiveX controls get activated.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get HostedAxActivation() As EControlActivation
Public Property Let HostedAxActivation( _
    ByVal Value As EControlActivation _

C++  Copy Code

EControlActivation get_HostedAxActivation ()
void put_HostedAxActivation (
    EControlActivation value

 Property Value

A member of the EControlActivation enumeration. The default is caAlwaysActive.


Specifies how ActiveX controls hosted in boxes get activated. The value of this property is used to initialize the ControlActivation property of new boxes. FlowChartX subclasses the window of any hosted control, in order to detect mouse interaction performed on it. Thus, move and resize operations can be carried out as with ordinary diagram nodes. However manipulation of the OCX' node via mouse might interfere with some user-interface feature of the control; for these reasons FlowChartX can filter the mouse messages sent to the hosted controls. A control is considered active when mouse messages are passed to it. The ControlActivation property specifies how and when to activate the control. It can have the following values:

  • caAlwaysActive - the control is always active and receives all mouse messages even when its node is resized, moved or linked to other nodes;
  • caWhenSelected - the control is active only when it is selected; if it is not selected the mouse messages sent to its window are filtered;
  • caProgrammatic - the control is activated or deactivated programmatically via the ActivateControl and DeactivateControl methods;


Only the topmost window of the hosted ActiveX control is subclassed. If the control has child windows the mouse messages sent to them are not filtered.

 See Also