FlowChart.AxLicenseKeys Property
See Also

( a feature of FlowChartX Pro edition)

Specifies the runtime license keys to use with licensed ActiveX controls.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get AxLicenseKeys( _
    ByVal AxControlId As String _
) As String
Public Property Let AxLicenseKeys( _
    ByVal AxControlId As String, _
    ByVal value As String _

C++  Copy Code

BSTR get_AxLicenseKeys (
    BSTR AxControlId
void put_AxLicenseKeys (
    BSTR AxControlId,
    BSTR value


The type of an ActiveX control.

 Property Value

A string value representing the license key associated with an ActiveX control.


To instantiate an ActiveX control that requires a license key, you must indicate to FlowChartX which key corresponds to the control's class or program identifier. This can be done via the AxLicenseKeys associative map. The AxControlId index must correspond to the CLSID or PROGID assigned to the AxControlId property. The value associated with that identifier is the runtime key string required by the control to run on unlicensed machines. Control creation will fail if the control requires a licensing and its runtime key is not specified.

If you need to know what is the runtime key of a control, inquire its developers or publishers about that. They will give you that information as long as you are their registered customer.

See IClassFactory2 description in the Platform SDK for more information on COM objects licensing.


The example below associates a runtime key with a control identifier and creates an instance of the control class.

VB6  Copy Code

Private Sub Form_Load()

    fcx.AxLicenseKeys("Acme.Widget") = "Widget secret key"

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCreateControl_Click()

    Dim ctrlHost As box

    ' create control hosted in a diagram node
    ctrlHost = fcx.CreateBox(100, 100, 240, 160)
    ctrlHost.AxControlId = "Acme.Widget"
    ctrlHost.Style = bsAxControl

End Sub

 See Also