FlowChart.PrpArrowStartOrnt Property
See Also

Gets or sets the orientation of the first segment of cascading arrows.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get PrpArrowStartOrnt() As EPrpStartOrientation
Public Property Let PrpArrowStartOrnt( _
    ByVal Value As EPrpStartOrientation _

C++  Copy Code

EPrpStartOrientation get_PrpArrowStartOrnt ()
void put_PrpArrowStartOrnt (
    EPrpStartOrientation value

 Property Value

A member of the EPrpStartOrientation enumeration. The default is soAuto.


Default value for the PrpStartOrientation property of new arrows. This property makes sense only for arrows of style asPerpendicular. Such arrows comprise alternating horizontal and vertical segments, every segment perpendicular to its neighbors. This property defines the orientation of the first arrow segment and can have one of the following values:

  • soAuto - the orientation of the first segment is automatically determined, based on the positions of the objects the arrow is attached to;
  • soHorizontal - the first segment is always horizontally orientated;
  • soVertical - the first segment is always vertically orientated;

 See Also