FlowChart.MergeThreshold Property
See Also

Gets or sets the maximum distance between adjacent control points of an arrow at which their related segments can be merged.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get MergeThreshold() As Single
Public Property Let MergeThreshold( _
    ByVal value As Single _

C++  Copy Code

float get_MergeThreshold ()
void put_MergeThreshold (
    float value

 Property Value

A float value. The default is 0.


A user may add or remove arrows' segments interactively when the ArrowsSplittable property is enabled. They can drag an asPerpendicular arrow's control point over the next one in order to merge two adjacent segments. Usually the two points must be placed exactly at the same coordinates in order to merge the respective segments of the arrow. Assign a larger value to this property if you wish to make it easier for users to merge segments by just moving arrow's control point close one to another.

 See Also