FlowChart.ScrollZoneSize Property
See Also

Gets or sets the size of the auto scroll zone near the edges of the control.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get ScrollZoneSize() As Integer
Public Property Let ScrollZoneSize( _
    ByVal value As Integer _

C++  Copy Code

short get_ScrollZoneSize ()
void put_ScrollZoneSize (
    short value

 Property Value

A short value. The default is 0.


Specifies the size of the area near the control's borders in which auto-scrolling is triggered by moving the mouse pointer there. AutoScroll must be enabled in order for this property to has any effect. If ScrollZoneSize is greater than zero, then auto-scrolling starts by simply moving the mouse pointer near the borders. Otherwise, scrolling starts when the pointer moves outside the control's boundaries and FlowChartX has the mouse capture (i.e. when a user drags a diagram element outside the borders).

 See Also