FlowChart.Shapes Property
See Also

Gets the list of available shape templates.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Shapes( _
    ByVal Index As Object _
) As ShapeTemplate

C++  Copy Code

ShapeTemplate* get_Shapes (
    IDispatch* Index


The id of the shape to get.

 Property Value

A reference to a ShapeTemplate object.


Contains all shape templates that are defined currently. Initially there are 87 predefined shapes available. If a new ShapeTemplate is created, it is added to the array once CompleteDefinition is invoked. Members of the array can be indexed either by their ordinal number or by their string identifier ShapeId.

A shape template can be assigned to the Shape property of boxes.


The example below shows how to assign the predefined Delay shape to the active diagram node. Look at the Palette sample installed with FlowChartX to see how all the existing shapes can be enumerated. That sample might be used as a reference showing what shape identifier corresponds to each predefined shape.

VB6  Copy Code

fcx.ActiveBox.Shape = fcx.Shapes("Delay")
fcx.ActiveBox.ShapeOrientation = 0

 See Also