FlowChart.VariantTag Property
See Also

Gets or sets a custom OLE VARIANT value associated with this flowchart.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get VariantTag() As Object
Public Property Let VariantTag( _
    ByVal value As Object _

C++  Copy Code

IDispatch* get_VariantTag ()
void put_VariantTag (
    IDispatch* value

 Property Value

A COM VARIANT structure.


Contains user defined data that can be represented with a VARIANT structure. When saving binary files, this property is automatically serialized if its value is of a simple or string type, if it refers to a COM object that implements the IPersistStreamInit interface, or if it refers to a safe-array of VARIANTs. When serializing to XML, the control raises the SerializeTag event to let you save the property value.

 See Also