FlowChart.AnchorPatterns Property
See Also

Gets the list of available AnchorPattern objects.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get AnchorPatterns( _
    ByVal name As String _
) As AnchorPattern

C++  Copy Code

AnchorPattern* get_AnchorPatterns (
    BSTR name


The id of a pattern.

 Property Value


The array contains the currently defined anchor patterns. It is indexed by pattern string identifiers. If a new AnchorPattern is created, it is added to the array once its PatternId is assigned. Initially the AnchorPatterns array contains the following predefined patterns:

Pattern ID



Incoming arrows connect to the top or left points. Outgoing arrows start from the bottom or right points.


Incoming arrows connect to the top point. Outgoing arrows start from the other three points.


Incoming arrows connect to the left. Outgoing arrows start from the right.


Incoming arrows connect to the top. Outgoing arrows start from the bottom.


VB6  Copy Code

Private Sub fcx_BoxCreated(ByVal box As FLOWCHARTLibCtl.IBoxItem)

    If box.Shape.ShapeId = "Decision" Then
        box.AnchorPattern = fcx.AnchorPatterns("Decision2In2Out")
        box.AnchorPattern = fcx.AnchorPatterns("ap1")
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Dim ap1 As New AnchorPattern

    'three points on the left for incoming arrows
    ap1.AddAnchorPoint 0, 20, True, False, msX, vbRed
    ap1.AddAnchorPoint 0, 50, True, False, msX, vbRed
    ap1.AddAnchorPoint 0, 80, True, False, msX, vbRed
    'three points on the right for outgoing arrows
    ap1.AddAnchorPoint 100, 20, False, True, msCircle, vbGreen
    ap1.AddAnchorPoint 100, 50, False, True, msCircle, vbGreen
    ap1.AddAnchorPoint 100, 80, False, True, msCircle, vbGreen

    'this adds ap1 to the AnchorPatterns array
    ap1.PatternId = "ap1"

End Sub

 See Also