FlowChart.PicturePos Property
See Also

Gets or sets the alignment style of the background image.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get PicturePos() As EPicturePos
Public Property Let PicturePos( _
    ByVal Value As EPicturePos _

C++  Copy Code

EPicturePos get_PicturePos ()
void put_PicturePos (
    EPicturePos value

 Property Value

A value of the EPicturePos enumeration. The default is picCenter.


Specifies alignment style of the background Picture. Possible values are:


The image is painted centered in the diagram, using its original size.


The image is stretched to fill the width or the height of the diagram area, maintaining the original image aspect ratio.


The image is stretched to fill the entire diagram area.


Multiple tiles of the image are drawn across the diagram.


The image top left corner coincides with top left corner of the diagram.


The image bottom left corner coincides with bottom left corner of the diagram.


The image top right corner coincides with top right corner of the diagram.


The image bottom right corner coincides with bottom right corner of the diagram.


The image is centered horizontally; its top side coincides with the top side of the diagram.


The image is centered horizontally; its bottom side coincides with the bottom side of the diagram.


The image is centered vertically; its left side coincides with the left side of the diagram.


The image is centered vertically; its right side coincides with the right side of the diagram.

If the picDocument modifier is applied to the property value, the image is aligned to the scrollable area of the diagram; otherwise the image is aligned to the FlowChartX' control window.


The following VB code loads a background image and stretches it over the whole document scrollable area.

VB6  Copy Code

fcx.LoadPicture appPath + "diaback1.jpg"
fcx.PicturePos = picStretch + picDocument

 See Also