FlowChart.ShadowsStyle Property
See Also

Gets or sets the appearance style of shadows.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get ShadowsStyle() As EShadowsStyle
Public Property Let ShadowsStyle( _
    ByVal Value As EShadowsStyle _

C++  Copy Code

EShadowsStyle get_ShadowsStyle ()
void put_ShadowsStyle (
    EShadowsStyle value

 Property Value

A member of the EShadowsStyle enumeration. The default is shdOneLevel.


Controls how shadows are drawn with respect to Z order. If set to shdOneLevel the object shadows are drawn at the lowest Z level under all objects, which makes them look as on single Z level. If set to shdZOrder each shadow is drawn immediately under its corresponding object, possibly covering parts of other objects, which gives more 3D-like look to the diagram.

 See Also