FlowChart.Graphics Property
See Also

Gets the graphics engine used to render diagram elements.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get Graphics() As Graphics

C++  Copy Code

Graphics* get_Graphics ()

 Property Value

A reference to a Graphics instance.


Represents the graphics engine used to render diagram items. Currently FlowChartX supports two engines: the first one is based on the classic Windows GDI API; the second one is based on the GDI+ library. At startup the classic GDI engine is loaded.

See the Graphics class for more information.


The following VB6 code demonstrates how to initialize and shut down GDI+.

VB6  Copy Code

Private Sub Form_Load()

    'start GDI+ graphics engine
    fcx.Graphics.StartUp geGdiPlus
    fcx.Graphics.AntiAliasing = True

    fcx.BoxFillColor = vbGreen
    fcx.BoxFillColorAlpha = 100

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(ByVal Cancel As Integer)

    'it is important to shut down GDI+

End Sub

 See Also