FlowChart.MeasureUnit Property
See Also

Gets or sets the unit used to measure the coordinates and sizes of diagram elements.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get MeasureUnit() As EUnit
Public Property Let MeasureUnit( _
    ByVal Value As EUnit _

C++  Copy Code

EUnit get_MeasureUnit ()
void put_MeasureUnit (
    EUnit value

 Property Value

A member of the EUnit enumeration. The default is uPixel.


Many properties in the FlowChartX API are used to specify the dimensions of diagram items or the size of various visual elements, e.g. selection handles, arrowhead shapes, line widths, etc. MeasureUnit specifies the measure of length in which these size values are defined.

Changing the measure unit does not automatically rescale the size-related property values. Your application must assign appropriate measure-dependent values to the following properties: GridSize, SelHandleSize, PenWidth, ArrowBaseSize, ArrowHeadSize, IntermHeadSize, TableCaptionHeight, TableColWidth, TableRowHeight, CrossRadius, ShadowOffsetX, ShadowOffsetY and to the size-related members of RoutingOptions.

Changing the measure unit resets RoutingOptions to default values for the new unit, because performance might suffer greatly if the routing algorithm uses too big or too small GridSize.

The arguments passed to some methods depend on the measure unit too, e.g. SetDocSize, CreateBox, CreateTable, ClientPtToDocPt and DocPtToClientPt, GetBoxAt, GetTableAt, ZoomToRect.

The following EUnit members can be used as FlowChartX measure units:






Specifies a device pixel as the unit of measure.



Specifies a printer's point (1/72 inch) as the unit of measure.



Specifies the document unit (1/300 inch) as the unit of measure.

 See Also