FlowChart.ToolTipStyle Property
See Also

Gets or sets the style of tooltips.


VB6  Copy Code

Public Property Get ToolTipStyle() As Long
Public Property Let ToolTipStyle( _
    ByVal value As Long _

C++  Copy Code

int get_ToolTipStyle ()
void put_ToolTipStyle (
    int value

 Property Value

A long value. The default is 0.


Defines the window style of the tooltip control that pops-up above nodes. Any combination of constants defined in the Windows API header files can be used: TTS_BALLOON, TTS_NOANIMATE, TTS_NOFADE, TTS_NOPREFIX, etc. The constants are defined as:

C++  Copy Code

#define TTS_ALWAYSTIP           0x01
#define TTS_NOPREFIX            0x02
#define TTS_NOANIMATE           0x10
#define TTS_NOFADE              0x20
#define TTS_BALLOON             0x40
#define TTS_CLOSE               0x80

 See Also